Bitch don’t need a man for nothing!

I’m just a normal girl chasing and extraordinary life. I wrote The Lemonade List in the aftermath of my failed marriage to the most selfish, cheating, lying prick on Gods green Earth. Feeling helpless, alone, broken and confused and filled with grief over a future and life lost to me… I drank a lot of wine...and Bacardi.
It was in a moment of drunken epiphany, while listening to the latest Beyoncé album (gifted to me by my beloved bestie) I decided to make my life look so amazing that he would get jealous and come crawling back!!! Mwahahahaha!!!
But in the Sober light of day (while nursing an epic hangover) it became a decided action for a new beginning and set out on the adventure of my life, to quit surviving and start thriving…Fuck that guy, bitch don’t need a man for nothing! (Which I totally proved without a doubt the other day when my car broke down and me and my roommate pushed it down Cheddar Rd in Resi...)
So do you love or long for adventure and discovery? Do you have your own list and need some advice and encouragement?
Or are you also on a journey of healing and fulfilment? Good! Go grab a wine and settle in!!

What you get from me…Weekly Blogs on Lemonade List - cross offs and progress updates. Some tips for moving through heartbreak, self care, self love and front a row seat to me becoming the Queen of my own destiny.
Lots of pictures and videos of The Lemonade list adventures in Melbourne and soon overseas.
All I want from you… I would love to hear your feedback, advice or help, join my mailing list for blog updates and follow my Instagram and Youtube channel to actually be part of my journey and exploits while working through The Lemonade List,

Get in touch if you want info on any of my Lemonade List activities at
On top of that there will likely be selfies with my beagle Cleo and perhaps the odd drunken rant on Youtube (I’ll keep these down to a minimum promise!!)

When life gives you lemons, you make Lemonade bitches!! Join me on my Lemonade List adventure….

Much love
Jodie xx


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