#50 Attend the Melbourne Cup

When I recently updated my list this is definitely one of the things I would have ditched, but I had already done it!! The reason why I decided to keep it on the list and write about it is that the reason why I want these experiences in my life is so I can learn about the world and myself, as well as making memories.

Attending Melbourne Cup was on a list in my head long before even starting this project. 

Growing up I loved to watch Melbourne Cup coverage and see all the glamour, outfits and head pieces. As I got older I loved dressing up for Melbourne Cup day and going to work winning cup day fashion or best hat competitions or going in the sweeps. If I’m honest I was never much into betting or the horses, I was fascinated by the glamour and fashion and boozy lunch.

So when I decided to finally buy tickets and go I was pretty excited to finally get to be a part of ‘the race that stops the nation’

At the time that I purchased my tickets I was pretty tightarse and really not earning much money, I was struggling to make ends meet and just keeping afloat mentally with a part time job (refer to previous post for a bit of an explanation of mental health). This was a goal I could achieve easily on a budget and without needing to travel too far from home.

So I had to get a bit creative with my outfit (anyone who knows me well, knows how much I love to plan an outfit).

Talking to a few of my friends about where I could potentially find a one of a kind bargain, I decided to head to Savers in Fitzroy and managed to score a cute retro floral frock that cost me around $15, as well as some cute little white mesh gloves. I headed to Lovisa for some cheap dress jewellery and a blush veil and borrowed a headpiece from my best mate. I have a mint condition Glomesh clutch bag that my mother gave me, that worked perfectly with this ensemble and a pair of white peep toe heels I already had in my wardrobe.

So my outfit was set, tickets bought and I had saved some dollars for bets. 

On the 6th of November 2018 it rained. Anyone who knows Melbourne weather knows you kinda dress for all sorts of weather, but this rainy day was one of Melbourne finest I have seen so far, roads flooded and Ubers tripling in price, I came up with the a convoluted PT strategy that would get us there...

I dressed up, straightened my hair, got ready and packed my pink sparkle gum boots in a pretty carry bag, just in case....(Lucky) then headed out with my date (who a messy break up with means I don't have a lot of photos of this particular day LOL).

It rained, it poured and then it rained some more. I was a bit concerned about my hair and make up, but at this point umbrellas were pretty much useless.

These were all the things preoccupying my mind up until the point we arrived at the entrance to Flemington. From across the road I could see protestors. 

They were dressed in cup day outfits covered in red paint to look like blood. They had signs and called us murderers as we walked in. I felt a bit guilty.

honestly until this point I had not heard much about what happens to race horses or how many had died at Melbourne Cup.

The foot path walking into Flemington in parts was flooded, I was drenched, the gum boots were essential (I had a chick offer me $100 for them)

Getting inside it was surprisingly busy, there was no where to sit, and I’m not that excited about betting, but had a punt, but got bored real quick.

It was ridiculously wet, and I’m not really sure what I thought it would be like, but honestly it was a bit boring, and pretty uncomfortable.

We looked at the horses (which was depressing and felt somewhat grotesque kinda like being at a circus)

Maybe if I was in a bigger group, or like getting ridiculously drunk and throwing my money away on bad bets or sitting on wet grass in a dress crossed legged I would have had more fun.

Basically I left about 10 minutes after to race finished, got home, put on pyjamas watched a movie and fell asleep on my couch, and was really glad it was over.

Reflecting on the day, a few days later, I started doing some research about The history of the race and found out some horrible information about horses at Melbourne Cup. 

Six horses have died on the track in recent years. And I started thinking a bit about how morally wrong it was that horses get pushed to their physical limits, get injured, die, not socialised and get euthanised if they don't win or make money, all so a pack of drunk people can be entertained and have a punt.

I was always focused on the fashion, the hats, dressing up and going in the sweeps at work. But looking it right in the face I felt ashamed and convicted about all this window dressing on a truly horrible and cruel event that in person was crass, vulgar and not fun.

So even though I would never go to another Melbourne Cup (or any other animal race for that matter) I’m OK I did go, so I know what I never want to go to one again. Even though I supported horse racing that day, It was the last time I ever will.

I’m glad I was able to see past the hats and glamour and look at events like this for what they really are, and I’m hoping me sharing this and your reading this may help you reflect about exploiting animals for fun and entertainment and if you think it is fair or right.

I know this may not be a popular opinion, but I’m OK with that.


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